Before Reading

Head on over to the Introduction or Quick Start if you haven't already.

An example project is available on GitHub (opens new window)

The Electron plugin is a separate package, which you'll need to install:

yarn add -D @app-config/electron@2

First, you'll want to load your config in the main Electron process just as you would in any regular Node project, except you may want to wait until your Electron app is ready.

import { app, BrowserWindow } from 'electron';
import { addAppConfigPreload } from '@app-config/electron';
import { loadConfig, config } from '@app-config/main';

app.whenReady().then(() => {
  loadConfig().then(() => {
    // run your main Electron code here

Now you'll probably want to open a browser window. To give the browser window access to your config, you'll need to include App Config's preload script in the webPreferences of your browser window:


The Electron plugin requires contextIsolation in your browser window's webPreferences to be true. This is best security practice, but if your app requires it to be false the Electron plugin will not work. addAppConfigPreload ensures this is set correctly.

app.whenReady().then(() => {
  loadConfig().then(() => {
    const mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({
      webPreferences: addAppConfigPreload(config),


If you have other webPreferences you need to set in addition to the ones that will be set by App Config (like another preload script or parameters), pass them as a second parameter to addAppConfigPreload:

app.whenReady().then(() => {
  loadConfig().then(() => {
      const mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({
        webPreferences: addAppConfigPreload(config, {
          preload: './my-preload.js',
          additionalArguments: '--my-argument',


And that's it! Now your config is available in window._appConfig in your browser window. You'll need to restart your app to reflect any configuration changes.

When using our Webpack or Vite plugins (when using the headerInjection or readGlobal options respectively) it will also be available in the main config object if you're using @app-config/main.