# v2.8.5

Fixes #205

# v2.8.3

Adds noBundledConfig option to Webpack, esbuild, vite and rollup plugins - useful if you always use @app-config/inject.

# v2.8.2

Some bug fixes and improvements for Rollup, ESBuild and Vite plugins.

# v2.8.1

Adds support for injecting currentEnvironment from @app-config/inject.

Adds support for reading APP_CONFIG_SECRETS_KEY_FILE.

# v2.8.0

Adds plugin for esbuild (opens new window)!

# v2.7.2

Ensures that window._appConfig is always written in webpack and rollup loaders.

# v2.7.1

Fixes bug in $extends directive when using specific environments.

# v2.7.0

Adds Electron (opens new window) support!

Supports named export in react native #167.

# v2.6.1

Ensures that NotFoundErrors aren't ignored when transitive in optional files (#160 (opens new window)).

# v2.6.0

Adds plugins for vite (opens new window) and rollup (opens new window)!

Adds ac as an npx alias for app-config.

# v2.5.2

Adds support for calling currentEnvironment when using the Webpack plugin.

# v2.5.1

Adds env option on $extends and $override directives.

# v2.5.0

Adds some early deprecation warnings in preparation for version 3. See here (opens new window).

Allows default extensions to be used twice without conflicts.

Adds $parseBool, $parseFloat and $parseInt directives.

Adds allowMissing option on $envVar that's a shorthand for allowNull + fallback: null.

Creates new calling interface for currentEnvironment and FlexibleFileSource.

# v2.4.5

Adds $hidden directive mainly for shared properties.

# v2.4.3

Adds bash completions support with app-config completions.

# v2.4.2

Adds none option for the $env directive, that acts like "default", but is used only when no environment is defined.

# v2.4.1

Adds option aliases for $substitute that aren't prefixed with $.

Adds $envVar parsing directive, similar to $substitute but more ergonomic.

# v2.4.0

Adds support for Webpack 5, remaining compatible with Webpack 4.

# v2.3.4

Doesn't strip newlines in @app-config/inject and @app-config/cli when reading from stdin.

# v2.3.3

Adds --include-no-environment for app-config validate CLI. Fails when no config is found.

Fixes Webpack bug when using $extends to a file that's not a standard app-config filename.

# v2.3.1

Supports providing a module name as "augmentModule" option in TypeScript definition generation.

Uses single quotes when generating enums in TypeScript, which is more common in prettier et al.

# v2.3.0

Adds @app-config/js package for evaluating JS modules.

# v2.2.2

Adds noGlobal option for webpack config, enabling "static" configuration.

Also adds intercept option for webpack plugin, to enable non-standard "aliases" for configuration. Makes it easy to have a part of app config "static" and a part "dynamic".

Adds binary releases through pkg.

# v2.2.1

Resolves relative files (runs relative to app-config file) in @app-config/exec.

Adds resolveFilepath export from node package to help do this in extensions.

# v2.2.0

Adds $try and $if "macros" for rudimentary control flow.

Adds $parseInt, $parseFloat and $parseBool options for $substitute to parse environment variables.

Adds @app-config/exec parsing extension package for dynamically running shell commands.

# v2.1.5

Adjusts inter-package dependencies to use caret version ranges, making upgrades easier.

# v2.1.0

Modularizes code entirely, separating parsing extensions, encryption, etc.

Renames the main module to @app-config/main, aliased by @lcdev/app-config.

Adds tag option for $git directive.

Adds $name and $fallback options for $substitute.

Removes v1 support from webpack plugin.

# v2.0.6

Returns an unsubscribe callback from mockConfig.

# v2.0.5

Adds support for meta file properties environmentAliases and environmentSourceNames. (PR (opens new window)).

# v2.0.4

Support for Cypress through @app-config/cypress (opens new window).

# v2.0.3

Adds mockConfig function that accepts an override for configuration internally.

# v2.0.2

Adds @types/json-schema explicitly as a dependency, so that installs are "one step". Added a CI test to ensure this doesn't regress.

# v2.0.1

Fixes schema validation of "secret" values whe an array is marked as secret: true. This should only check that all items are secret, not that the array itself is secret.

# Version 2 (v2.0.0)

🎁 Features 🔨 Breaking Changes

This new major version is effectively a rewrite, with some powerful constructs being added internally. Much of this is does not change the external semantics of the package, but internally it makes a huge difference.

The selling point for this upgrade is secret encryption. This means that a built-in solution for storing your secrets in a safe, encrypted form.

Previous to v2, secrets were a complimentary feature. This meant it was left to the user how and where secret values were stored.

In general, it's nice to store configuration in version control if possible. This is, of course, impractical for values that should never be public. Having these secrets in plaintext is just asking for trouble.

Solutions have come out to do this - git-secret (opens new window), git-crypt (opens new window) and blackbox (opens new window) to name a few. We have built a similar solution, but highly integrated. At Launchcode, we tried these solutions, but felt that they were clunky to use for users who weren't very familiar with GPG.

So, we set course on designing an interface that combined the security of these tools with the ergonomics that developers expect. There were many dead ends, actually. It became increasing obvious that such a feature could not be easily added to app-config without a fairly major change in architecture.

# Breaking Changes (v2.0.0)

  • The {function}Sync function interfaces have been removed. Almost all functions are async-only.
  • We no longer look for app-config.{ext} files - only .app-config.{ext} is loaded by default.
  • The default export of the function is not available prior to loadConfig being called. Essentially, you'll need to add a call to loadConfig in your program's entrypoint. Note that TypeScript can't help you here, since the config object has a non-optional type. Also note that webpack projects do not need to make any changes, since the async portion is done at build time.
import config, { loadConfig } from '@lcdev/app-config';

async function main() {
  await loadConfig();

  // after loadConfig is resolved (not just called!), `config` is accessible
  • The Node.js API has quite a few breaking changes. These should all be apparent in the TypeScript types. Unfortunately, this has the effect of making compatible tools difficult (eg. webpack plugin). We intend to ship a compatibility layer in v1, so that tools can rely on the v2 API without worry.
  • The environment variable name algorithm (used to flatten your config into APP_CONFIG_FOO_BAR) is a bit different. The obvious change is with numbers in variable names - address1 now gets transformed to ADDRESS_1 instead of ADDRESS1.
  • Environment variable substitution (eg. port: '${PORT:-3000}') does not happen automatically anymore. Use the $substitute directive instead.
  • The config sub-object code generation has been removed. (eg. generating a JSON file in meta properties) To our knowledge, nobody used this.
  • Schema loading no longer supports the app-config special property, and does not use $extends directive by default - use $refs instead.
  • There are some very subtle differences in the merging algorithm used when loading files (relevant if you have secret files that override non-secret files). Differences here are likely to be bugs though!
  • The CLI interface is subtly different, but almost entirely compatible.
  • The app-config init subcommand was removed. We don't want to build a scaffolding tool.
  • Some internal packages have been upgraded. Notably, we use an internal package of quicktype (opens new window) which doesn't make stability guarantees.
  • Error messages have been overhauled. Relying on them is brittle though.

# Features (v2.0.0)

  • Secret values can now be encrypted and placed in .app-config.{ext} files! Check out the encryption guide.
  • Instead of using a root-level app-config value, you can now use $extends and $override anywhere in the tree of configuration. Check out the parsing extensions guide. Note that a compatibility layer is in place for app-config values, which may be removed in the future.
  • A simple logger has been added internally. The setLogLevel function is exported. You can set APP_CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL as well.
  • You can now define your own parsing extensions. This is an advanced feature, but available if you want to do powerful value transformations.
  • Primitives are available for creating your own config loading strategy. You can mix-and-match parsing, file sources, environment variables, etc. Check out the Node.js API guide for more.